Monday, September 14, 2009

The Flies

Last year when we purchased the Church House, we noticed all these flies dead on the steps and other places. We were told that it was common when an old building was vacant for awhile; so we vacuumed several times a day and thought next year it will be better.

Well that is not the case. Sometime during the early morning in September, I heard a strange buzzing sound in the upper part of the ceiling. The next few days the sound gained more strength.

Then it happened. We would be sitting on the couch and the flies would make a dive into your hair, or you would just be walking and one would hit you in the cheek or fly into the computer screen. These are totally Kamikaze flies! They hit you and then flop over on their backs and spin around with great energy never to fly again!

There are so many of them that I can't go in to detail. Just believe me-it's almost unbelievable!

So we went down to Phillsburg (locally called Pburg) to the Farm Store and bought some fly strips that adhere to the windows. This morning there were just six that had landed and Gary said that they came out to about 50 cents per fly when you considered the cost of the product.

Anyway, as I write, I count 17 or 18 and one is creeping slowing towards it; so the cost per capita is going down!

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